From August 9 to 18, 2023, the Community Capacity Building Program for TB Prevention and Control in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) period 2021 – 2023 sponsored by the Global Fund, the Medical Association Ho Chi Minh City Public Health and the Community Health Counseling Center (CHD), organized the second training course for nearly 300 community collaborators, specialized in TB of the Health Station and the Department of Health. district TB examination to strengthen the knowledge and skills of collaborators about the program at 4 Medical Centers in District 1, Binh Tan, Binh Thanh and Tan Phu. Participating in this course are also collaborators of community groups from “Alo Boy”, “Companion”, “Hoa Cat Tuong”, “Trust”, “My Hand” and “Overcoming the Waves”.
At the end of the training course, participants have better knowledge and practice on:
i) Mastering the TB screening process in the community, knowledge, how to use the ACIS application to support active labor detection in the community,
ii) Collaborators and TB specialists have a clear assignment in TB screening, patient household screening and treatment counseling support,
iii) Skills in counseling TB patients to adhere to treatment, how to handle side effects of TB drugs at home.
During the training session, the trainers and trainees were very active in sharing and practicing barriers as well as solutions to approach people at risk at home and in the community and support counseling to comply with regulations. home treatment of tuberculosis patients.